CIGRE Switzerland Events – Electrosuisse

CIGRE Switzerland Events

Preis für Mitglieder

CHF 0.–


CHF 220.–

*Price for members: CHF 0.– | Price: CHF 220.–


CIGRE is a global community of nearly 20’000 experts and industry leaders from over 90 countries working together on current and future power system solutions. The Swiss National Secretariat of CIGRE is hosted by Electrosuisse and helps experts to collaborate on a global level as well as to meet and boost inspiration and activities on national or regional platforms. CIGRE typically works in English, but some regional partner activities may be conducted in local languages.

Target group

The event addresses Swiss CIGRE members and is open to members worldwide with an interest in Swiss perspectives.

CIGRE works in 16 thematic areas, covering classical generation and HV technologies, IT/OT and cyber defence, decentralized prosumer architectures, system operations, power electronics, renewables, storage and sector integration, as well as asset management / investment allocation and regulatory concepts for the energy transition.

We particularly encourage female engineers (Women In Energy) and young engineers and students (Next Generation Network) to attend and meet experienced senior experts.

National Program

More global events can be found on the global CIGRE Event Calendar and also on landing pages of other National Committees, such as CIGRE UK with their monthly webinars.

On our Swiss Event landing page, we focus on providing details of selected and mainly national activities.

Program December 13, 2024

Power Electronics and Paris Session, Hitachi Energy Switzerland, Fabrikstrasse 3, 5600 Lenzburg

Semiconductors play a key role in our society, enabling high-power transmission of renewable energy over long distances. They also help to stabilise power grids and can be found in many other places, such as electric cars and high-speed trains. Have you ever wondered how they are made?

Join the SWISS CIGRE Team at an exclusive visit to Hitachi Energy’s world-class semiconductor factory in Lenzburg. It will be an exciting afternoon with the latest information from the recent CIGRE Session in Paris and an exclusive factory tour through one of the most advanced semiconductor factories in the world.

13:15 Registration opens
14:00 Welcome by the President of CIGRE Switzerland, Rudolf Meier
14:05 Welcome by event host Hitachi Energy Switzerland, Per Skarby, Swiss NC member
14:10 Technical Presentation on Hitachi semiconductors for HV transmission
14:40 Paris Session 2024 from a Swiss perspective: Selected CIGRE members give insights
15:00 ETHZ Bachelor Thesis Award 2024: An Unblown Arc Experiment to Characterize Alternative Arc-Quenching Gases, Noel ANDEREGG
15:20 CIGRE Event outlook: Colloquia, Symposia, Webinars and Electrosuisse/CIGRE national activities
15:30 Splitting into several Factory Visit groups
15:40 Semiconductor Factory Visit (in groups, duration 90 minutes)
17:15 Networking Apéro
18:30 End of the event


Marcel Stöckli - CIGRE/CIRED NC Sekretär

Marcel Stöckli