CEI – Electrosuisse


Commission électrotechnique internationale

La Commission électrotechnique internationale est une organisation à but non lucratif qui élabore des normes internationales dans les domaines de l’électrotechnique, de l’électronique et de technologies apparentées.

groupes de travail
membres et partenaires à l’échelle mondiale

Contribuer au développement des normes internationales

La Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) est une organisation à but non lucratif qui élabore depuis 1906 des normes internationales dans les domaines de l’électrotechnique, de l’électronique et des technologies apparentées.

Près de 30 000 experts issus de l’industrie, de l’économie, des instituts de formation et de divers groupes d’intérêts contribuent dans le monde entier au travail de normalisation. Les normes de la CEI reflètent les besoins des comités nationaux des pays qui participent.

Le CES est le comité national suisse au sein de la CEI, dont les membres font partie d’un réseau mondial d’experts.

Comités techniques de la CEI

Comité Secteur spécialisé Responsable CT-CES
TC 1 Terminology TK 1
TC 2 Rotating machinery TK 2
TC 3 Information structures and elements, identification and marking principles, documentation and graphical symbols TK 3
SC 3C Graphical symbols for use on equipment TK 121A
SC 3D Classes, Properties and Identification of products – Common Data Dictionary (CDD) TK 121A
TC 4 Hydraulic turbines TK 4
TC 5 Steam turbines TK 5
TC 7 Overhead electrical conductors TK 7
TC 8 Systems aspects for electrical energy supply TK 8
SC 8A Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Generation TK 8
SC 8B Decentralized Electrical Energy Systems TK 8
SC 8C Network Management TK 8
TC 9 Electrical equipment and systems for railways TK 9
TC 10 Fluids for electrotechnical applications TK 10
TC 11 Overhead lines TK 11
TC 13 Electrical energy measurement and control TK 13
TC 14 Power transformers TK 14
TC 15 Solid electrical insulating materials TK 15
TC 17 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear TK 17AC
SC 17A Switching devices TK 17AC
SC 17C Assemblies TK 17AC
TC 18 Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units
SC 18A Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units
TC 20 Electric cables TK 20
TC 21 Secondary cells and batteries TK 21
SC 21A Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes TK 21
TC 22 Power electronic systems and equipment TK 22
SC 22E Stabilized power supplies TK 22
SC 22F Power electronics for electrical transmission and distribution systems TK 22
SC 22G Adjustable speed electric drive systems incorporating semiconductor power converters TK 22
SC 22H Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) TK 22
TC 23 Electrical accessories TK 23
SC 23A Cable management systems UK 23A
SC 23B Plugs, socket-outlets and switches UK 23B
SC 23E Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use UK 23E
SC 23G Appliance couplers UK 23B
SC 23H Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles UK 23B
SC 23J Switches for appliances UK 23B
SC 23K Electrical Energy Efficiency products UK 23E
TC 25 Quantities and units TK 1
TC 26 Electric welding TK 26
TC 27 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing
TC 29 Electroacoustics TK 29
TC 31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres TK 31
SC 31G Intrinsically-safe apparatus TK 31
SC 31J Classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements TK 31
SC 31M Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres TK 31
TC 32 Fuses TK 32B
SC 32A High-voltage fuses
SC 32B Low-voltage fuses TK 32B
SC 32C Miniature fuses TK 32C
TC 33 Power capacitors and their applications TK 33
TC 34 Lamps and related equipment TK 34
SC 34A Electric light sources TK 34
SC 34B Lamp caps and holders TK 34
SC 34C Auxiliaries for lamps TK 34
SC 34D Luminaires TK 34
TC 35 Primary cells and batteries TK 35
TC 36 Insulators TK 36
SC 36A Insulated bushings UK 36A
TC 37 Surge arresters TK 37
SC 37A Low-voltage surge protective devices TK 37
SC 37B Components for low-voltage surge protection TK 37
TC 38 Instrument transformers TK 38
TC 40 Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment TK 40
TC 42 High-voltage and high-current test techniques TK 42
TC 44 Safety of machinery – Electrotechnical aspects TK 44
TC 45 Nuclear instrumentation TK 45
SC 45A Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems of nuclear facilities TK 45
SC 45B Radiation protection instrumentation TK 45
TC 46 Cables, wires, waveguides, RF connectors, RF and microwave passive components and accessories TK 46
SC 46A Coaxial cables TK 46
SC 46C Wires and symmetric cables TK 46
SC 46F RF and microwave passive components TK 46
TC 47 Semiconductor devices TK 47
SC 47A Integrated circuits TK 47
SC 47D Semiconductor devices packaging TK 47
SC 47E Discrete semiconductor devices TK 47
SC 47F Micro-electromechanical systems TK 47
TC 48 Electrical connectors and mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment TK 48
SC 48B Electrical connectors TK 48
SC 48D Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment TK 48
TC 49 Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection
TC 51 Magnetic components, ferrite and magnetic powder materials
TC 55 Winding wires
TC 56 Dependability TK 56
TC 57 Power systems management and associated information exchange TK 57
TC 59 Performance of household and similar electrical appliances TK 59
SC 59A Electric dishwashers UK 59A
SC 59C Electrical heating appliances for household and similar purposes TK 59
SC 59D Performance of household and similar electrical laundry appliances UK 59D
SC 59F Surface cleaning appliances TK 59
SC 59K Performance of household and similar electrical cooking appliances UK 59K
SC 59L Small household appliances TK 59
SC 59M Performance of electrical household and similar cooling and freezing appliances TK 59
TC 61 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances TK 61
SC 61B Safety of microwave appliances for household and commercial use TK 61
SC 61C Safety of refrigeration appliances for household and commerical use TK 61
SC 61D Appliances for air-conditioning for household and similar purposes TK 61
SC 61H Safety of electrically-operated farm appliances TK 61
SC 61J Electrical motor-operated cleaning appliances for commercial use TK 61
TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice TK 62
SC 62A Common aspects of electrical equipment used in medical practice TK 62
SC 62B Diagnostic imaging equipment TK 62
SC 62C Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry TK 62
SC 62D Electromedical equipment TK 62
TC 64 Electrical installations and protection against electric shock TK 64
TC 65 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation TK 65
SC 65A System aspects TK 65
SC 65B Measurement and control devices TK 65
SC 65C Industrial networks TK 65
SC 65E Devices and integration in enterprise systems TK 65
TC 66 Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment TK 66
TC 68 Magnetic alloys and steels
TC 69 Electric road vehicles and electric industrial trucks TK 69
TC 70 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
TC 72 Automatic electrical controls TK 72
TC 73 Short-circuit currents TK 73
TC 76 Optical radiation safety and laser equipment TK 76
TC 77 Electromagnetic compatibility TK 77
SC 77A EMC – Low frequency phenomena TK 77A
SC 77B High frequency phenomena TK 77BC
SC 77C High power transient phenomena TK 77BC
TC 78 Live working TK 78
TC 79 Alarm and electronic security systems TK 79
TC 80 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems
TC 81 Lightning protection TK 81
TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems TK 82
TC 85 Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities TK 85
TC 86 Fibre optics TK 86
SC 86A Fibres and cables TK 86
SC 86B Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components TK 86
SC 86C Fibre optic systems and active devices TK 86
TC 87 Ultrasonics TK 87
TC 88 Wind energy generation systems TK 88
TC 89 Fire hazard testing
TC 90 Superconductivity
TC 91 Electronics assembly technology TK 91
TC 94 All-or-nothing electrical relays TK 94
TC 95 Measuring relays and protection equipment TK 95
TC 96 Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof TK 96
TC 97 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aeorodromes TK 97
TC 99 Insulation co-ordination and system engineering of high voltage electrical power installations above 1,0 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC TK 99
TC 100 Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment TK 100
TC 101 Electrostatics TK 101
TC 103 Transmitting equipment for radiocommunication TK 103
TC 104 Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test TK 104
TC 105 Fuel cell technologies TK 105
TC 106 Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure TK 106
TC 107 Process management for avionics
TC 108 Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology TK 108
TC 109 Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment
TC 110 Electronic displays TK 110
TC 111 Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems TK 111
TC 112 Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems TK 15
TC 113 Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems
TC 114 Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters
TC 115 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission for DC voltages above 100 kV TK 115
TC 116 Safety of motor-operated electric tools TK 116
TC 117 Solar thermal electric plants TK 117
TC 119 Printed Electronics TK 119
TC 120 Electrical Energy Storage (EES) Systems TK 120
TC 121 Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage TK 121A
SC 121A Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear TK 121A
SC 121B Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies TK 121B
TC 122 UHV AC transmission systems TK 122
TC 123 Management of network assets in power systems TK 123
TC 124 Wearable electronic devices and technologies
TC 125 Personal e-Transporters (PeTs) TK 69
PC 127 Low-voltage auxiliary power systems for electric power plants and substations TK 99
CISPR International special committee on radio interference TK CISPR
CIS/A Radio-interference measurements and statistical methods TK CISPR
CIS/B Interference relating to industrial, scientific and medical radio-frequency apparatus, to other (heavy) industrial equipment,
to overhead power lines, to high voltage equipment and to electric traction
CIS/D Electromagnetic disturbances related to electric/electronic equipment on vehicles and internal combustion engine powered
CIS/F Interference relating to household appliances tools, lighting equipment and similar apparatus TK CISPR
CIS/H Limits for the protection of radio services TK CISPR
CIS/I Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers TK CISPR
CIS/S Steering Committee TK CISPR
SyC AAL Active Assisted Living TK SyK AAL
SyC COMM Communication Technologies and Architectures
SyC LVDC Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access TK SyK LVDC
SyC Smart Cities Electrotechnical asprects of Smart Cities TK SyK Smart Cities
SyC Smart Energy Smart Energy TK SyK Smart Energy
SyC Smart Manufacturing Smart Manufacturing TK SyK Smart Manufacturing
JTC 1/SC 25 ISO/IEC: Interconnection of information technology equipment TK 215
JTC 1/SC 41 ISO/IEC: Internet of things and related technologies TK IoT
CA IECEE IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components KK IECEE
CA IECEx IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres KK IECEx

Programme des jeunes professionnels
«Go Ahead. Get Ahead.»

Le programme des jeunes professionnels de la CEI réunit des jeunes ingénieurs, techniciens et gestionnaires du monde entier au sein des comités techniques (CT) de la CEI.

Ce programme offre de nombreuses possibilités de participer à la conception de l’avenir de la normalisation internationale.

Si vous êtes intéressé par le programme des jeunes professionnels de la CEI, annoncez-vous auprès du secrétariat de CT compétent.


Participants de Suisse

Dr. Dainius Virganavicius, Reichle & De-Massari AG – TK 86

Arvind Shinde, NEPLAN AG – TK 57, TK  95
Dominic Buergi, Stäubli Electrical Connectors AG – TK 82

Pas de participants

Tamara Müller, Thuba AG – TK 31
Michael Gasser, Schneider Electric CH AG – TK 121B

Jonas Bachmann, Schurter AG, Luzern – UK 23B
Maximilian Deckert, Antrimon Engineering AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall – TK 121A

Claudio Binetti, Thuba, Basel – TK31

Sebastian Gerber, Hager Industrie AG, Emmenbrücke – TK121 A/B
David Elmiger, Rockwellautomation Switzerland GmbH, Aarau – TK121A

Michael Sacchi, EMC Partner AG, Laufen – TK 77A
Erich Bisang, Schurter AG Luzern – TK 23B

Luigi Scoca, BKW Energie AG, Ostermundigen – TK 57
Yannick Laborde, Alstom (Schweiz) AG, Baden – TK 73

Michael Imseng, Lonza AG, Visp – TK 31
René Irion, ABB AG, Baden – TK 115

Reto Christen, Alstom Grid AG, Oberentfelden – TK 38
Ciril Haab, Landis + Gyr AG, Zug – TK 13

Roland Hug, Alstom AG, Baden – TK 57

IEC 1906 Award

IEC 1906 Award

Ce prix distingue des experts du monde entier pour leurs prestations remarquables dans le domaine de la normalisation électrotechnique. Les experts suisses jouissent d’une excellente réputation dans l’histoire internationale jalonnées de succès des normes électrotechniques.

L’IEC 1906 Award a été ainsi nommé en référence à la date de création de la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI).

Les lauréats suisses

Christophe Nicolet, Power Vision Engineering Sàrl – TC 4
Felix Frey, Frey Technology Trade GmbH – TC 59
Peter Berrie, Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG  – TC 65
Maurizio Gaeta, Belimo Automation AG – TC 72
Eric van Wely, DuPont de Nemours – TC 78

Jonas Bachmann, Schurter AG – TC 23
Klaus-Peter Brand, it4power – TC 57
Johann-Jakob Schmid, Schiller AG – TC 62
Christof Bucher, BFH – TC 82

Raimond Bauknecht, Landis + Gyr AG – TC 13
Jean-Pierre Braun, Eidgenössisches Institut für Metrologie (METAS) – TC 85
Helmut Eichinger – TC 78
Thomas Piok, Leica Geosystems AG – TC 76
Uwe Riechert, ABB Schweiz AG – TC 122
Thomas Schmalzigaug, Huber + Suhner AG – TC 86
Alfred Seiterle, Aeroplan, Seiterle Engineering AG – TC 97
Rupert Steiner, V-Zug AG – TC 61
Lukas Zehnder, ABB Schweiz AG – TC 17

Fritz Beglinger, IECEE-Konformitätssystem
Andreas Christ, TC 106
Markus Keller, TC 17
Gunnar Lindberg, TC 5
Lillie Rumpf, TC 4
Joachim Schmid, TC 38
Josef Schmucki, TC 64
Jakob Widmer, TC 13
Wolfgang Wimmer, TC 57

Beat Bertschi, Pfiffner Messwandler AG, TC 38
Conrad U. Brunner, Impact Energy AG, TC 2
Markus Nyffeler, Armaswiss, TC 77

Dr. Klaus Peter Brand, ABB Schweiz AG, TC 57
Erich Würgler, Siemens Schweiz AG, TC 57
Dr. Hans Weichert, Rockwell Automation Switzerland GmbH, TC 121

Dr. Bruno Ricciardi, Landis + Gyr AG, TC 13
Dr. Hubert Kirrmann, solutil, TC 57
Reynald Kaltenrieder, Rockwell Automation GmbH, TC 121A

Dr. Thomas Schaub, Landis+Gyr AG, TC 13
Dr. Silvio Stangherlin, ABB Schweiz AG, TC 17
Herbert Giess, Pyramid Vision Consulting GmbH, TC 21
Prof. Jean-Marc Blanc, PM Experte, TC 25
Dr. Paul Gerome, AULM S.A., TC 25
Dr. Ruthard Minkner, Siemens Schweiz AG, TC 38
Willi Furer, Schaffner EMV AG, TC 40
Nils Chmielewski, Hexis AG, TC 105

Armin Kaelin, EMProtec GmbH, Hinwil, TC 77 (SC 77 C)
François Caloz, Diamond SA, Losone, TC 86 (SC 86 B)
Hubert Kirrmann, ABB Schweiz AG, Baden, TC 65
Gerold Widmer, Siemens Schweiz AG, Zürich, TC 72
Beat Bertschi, Pfiffner Messwandler AG, Hirschthal, TC 38
Etienne Savary, Maxwell Technologies SA, Rossens, TC 33

Olav Knudsen, ABB Schweiz AG, Zürich, TC 17/SC 17C
Ruthard Minkner, Siemens Schweiz AG, Basel, TC 38
Eric Dudenhoeffer, SBB AG, Bern, TC 77/SC 77B

François Avellan, EPFL, Lausanne, TC 4
Walter Güntensperger, Bombardier Transportation (Switzerland) AG, Zürich, TC 9
Felix Roesch, Roesch Electric AG, Koblenz, TC 34
Jean-Dominique Decotignie, CSEM Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique SA, Neuchâtel, TC 65

Dietmar Kopitz, RDS Forum, Genf, TC 100
Etienne Savary, Maxwell Technologies SA, Rossens, TC 33
Michael Weinhold, EIPC, Mastricht, TC 91

Helmut Heiermeier, ABB Schweiz AG, High Voltages Products, Baden, SC 17A
Peter Thurnherr, Thuba AG, Basel, SC 31J
Jimmy Villard, SUVA, Lausanne, TC 44
Tatjana Kostic, ABB Schweiz AG, Low Voltage Power, Baden, TC 57
Jost Keller, Electrosuisse, Fehraltorf, TC 64
Martin Lutz, EMC Partner AG, Laufen, SC 77B
Markus Real, Alpha Real AG, Zürich, TC 82

Pierre Boss, ABB Sécheron, Genf, TC 10
Peter Henzi, Richterswil, TC 15
Michel Ianoz, Ecole polytechnique fédérale, Lausanne,TC 77
Aleksandar Opacic, Huber & Suhner, Herisau, TC 86

Rudolf Baumann, Swissgrid, Laufenburg, TC 57
Dr. Werner Johler, Tyco Electronic Logistics, Au ZH, TC 94

Heinrich Ryser, Metas, Wabern, TK CISPR

Raynald Dallenbach, Energizer, La Chaux-de-Fonds, TC 35
Hans Peter Gasser, Weidmann Infra AG, Rapperswil, TC 15
Ruthard Minkner, Trench Switzerland AG, Basel, TC 38

Christoph Brunner, UT Innovations GmbH, Zug, TC 57
Dr. Helmut Schönbacher, CERN, Meyrin, TC 15


Mario Schleider - Secrétaire Général

Mario Schleider
Secrétaire Général

Glossaire de la CEI

Glossaire de la CEI

Aperçu de tous les termes électrotechniques parus dans les publications de la CEI depuis 2002.



Base de données terminologique plurilingue du domaine électrotechnique comptant plus de 20 000 notions.

Normen Korrigenda

Normen Korrigenda

Eine inhaltlich technische Änderung erfordert immer ein Amendment. Ratifizierte Normen dürfen niemals technisch verändert werden. Hingegen werden rein formale Korrekturen über die Korrigenda möglichst rasch kommuniziert. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt fliessen diese Anpassungen in die Aktualisierung der betreffenden Norm ein. Korrekturen und Anpassungen für technische Normen finden Sie als kostenlose Downloads in unserem Shop.

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Achat de normes

Achat de normes

Les membres bénéficient notamment d’un rabais de 15 % sur le prix des normes (à l’exception des normes CEI).

En savoir plus sur Achat de normes
Projets de normes

Projets de normes

Les projets ne sont pas répertoriés dans la boutique en ligne. Commandes tarifées auprès de normenverkauf@electrosuisse.ch.

En savoir plus sur Projets de normes